Friday, 14 January 2011

Week2-- Assignment 2 Documentation of Progress(Day1)

Chosen building
Esherick House located in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. The hose is designed by American architect Louis Khan, constructed from 1959-1961, I built the model in sketchup and will be using it for this assignment.

I will be incorporating both 3D interior views and animations to draw significant aspects of the building. One of the animation effect I will be using is lighting, The unique programming of the building and elegant choice of the materials have enriched the atmosphere of the building interior, accommodating with Kahn's design of built-in fixtures, the house becomes a delightful living space.

Testing Animation of lighting

Testing 3Dobject and Marker relationship in BuildAR

This is how I positioned my model in sketchup according to the axial, The model is in scale of 1:50. I made a base same size as the side I wanted to show, and put the marker in the middle, so what I expected to view in BuildAR is the model fit on the base perfectly. However, it didn't turn out to be the right size.


So apparently, the size of the model appears on BuildAR needs to be adjusted both in sketchup and BuildAR, problem solved!I carried on and tried to exported my sketchup model as obj file and imported into 3dsMax, it didn't go through. Then I tried to use 3ds file, it worked, but I lost all the textures. I accidentally saw a youtube video about transfer file from sketchup to 3dsMax, it used the sketchup file without exporting, but it only works with sketchup7

And it works with 3dsMax perfectly since the file contains all the information.

I tried the animation on my model and below is a glance of the result, the sun path still needs to be adjusted,but the idea kinda works.

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